Sunday, May 15, 2011

Enjoying the ride........

I realized some time ago that I was spending a good part of my life in chasing the ghosts of the past. The journey ahead can never be worthwhile if you always keep looking over your shoulder and staring at the wall posts of the past; for that is what exactly they are - stationary wall posts - unwilling and often ill-equipped to move along with you. Life isn't about a single milestone or a single wall post - it is a vibrant collage of beautiful images that make up your life. Sure some images are prominent and life-like, whilst others are hazy recollections of moments best forgotten, but none of them are significant enough to define your life or your existence. People you thought would be a part of your happy ending, often walk away for reasons best known them. People you thought would see you through your lowest lows, sometimes melt away in the face of a tough challenge. You could possibly hate them or hate yourself to rationalize and sometimes intellectually justify the tragic course of events. However, I believe the best way to deal with anger, disappointment and pain is not to throw it in someone else's face or mercilessly crucify yourself, but to let it go; the toughest and ironically the easiest way to deal with it begins with forgiving and embracing yourself. Not even the wisest souls get to live their lives retrospectively; so why must we in our self-deprecating thoughts? Life isn't about 'what Ifs'.

Monday, April 11, 2011

The chosen few

Have you ever gone through a series of bad experiences - unfulfilling relationships - where you've always given more and got very little back in return; which often feel like feeding the bottomless pit of a black hole; disillusioning jobs - where you oscillate between feeling invisible and feeling worthless; fractured relations - where you're always made to feel like a permanent disappointment? Chances are that either you are a sucker for suffering and feed off it or you're wallowing in the deep end of a pool called self-pity. If you're unfortunate enough not to fall into either of the two buckets - then you belong to a celebrated club of a chosen few. The chosen few are oft-tested by destiny because unlike the commoners, they are made of sterner stuff. The chosen few can always weather more storms and always emerge stronger; doesn't matter how much they crib, complain and shed a few tears along the way - the chosen few are human too after all. So the next time you feel resentful about the fat bonus your colleague took home, or the kind boyfriend that your friend has - don't question their deserving quotient. Just remember one thing - people who are often short-changed by destiny are the ones loved by her the most. There is a reason that she wants you to pick up the pebbles along the way, while the others gloat in the discovery of their "gems". There is a reason why they had it easy and you didn't! In the end people don't necessarily get what they deserve, they get what they had the courage and conviction to wait around for....

Hope floats!

There are many people you encounter in life who make you feel that life's not worth living after all...however, for every such person there are atleast two who make you believe that there is sunshine back again :)