Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Internal Upheaval

Hassled me: Why 710? Why dear Lord? Why couldn't I break into the elite 750+ club?

Somewhat Unflappable me: Take a deep breadth...Clear your mind and let the rational thoughts prevail...

Rational Thought 1 : Even though you didn't break previous records (read 800!!!) held by some imaginary moderator on your study forum, 710 is a handsome score which fits well in the larger scheme of things

Hassled me (interrupting) : but 710 does not commensurate with my efforts and expectations (more importantly the latter, rather than the former!).
Somewhat unflappable me (cooing pacifyingly): Honey...the score is pretty much in line with your "originally hatched" expectations (remember when you were all starry eyed about breaking the 700 barrier!!)...They might however not be in line with your revised expectations...Remember expectations are a function of thoughts, peer-generated benchmarks (real and imaginary) and past laurels ...which unfortunately renders them dynamic.....which effectively means that you might have felt cheated with a score of 800, in a deliriously optimistic moment!!!!

Hassled me (refusing to let go): But I still don't feel satisfied with the outcome...

Somewhat unflappable me: Satisfaction like optimism is a practised art and not an inborn need to cultivate these feelings consciously

Hassled me: But doesn't an overdose of optimism breed complacence?

Somewhat (un)flappable me: Being optimistic does not mean that you should allow complacence to feast on your hard-working spirit...It means breathing realism into your expectations, staying miles away from self-deprecation and most importantly learning to let-go.....Put in your best efforts, and clip the umbilical cord, detaching yourself from the pain/pleasure of your performance....Gloating over your success for too long, steals your focus...Likewise obsessing with failure robs you of your confidence....So in the end you see it's all about the power of balance!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You made a few good points there. I did a search about the topic and almost not found any specific details on other websites, but then great to be here, seriously, appreciate that.

- Lucas